All grocery stores sell snacks, but Trader Joe's takes things to the next level with its many delicious, house-brand treats.
Medically reviewed by Allison Herries, RDN Okra water is a vegetable-infused drink made by soaking fuzzy green okra ...
Fry onions in hot oil. Add the onion seeds, fennel seeds and mustard seeds. Season with salt. Cook for 5 minutes. 2. Add shredded garlic and crushed red chillies. Fry till onions brown and stir in the ...
Choose stems that snap cleanly and don’t bend. Okra exudes a glutinous juice in cooking which thickens stews and braised dishes. It can be eaten raw in salads or cooked with curries or vegetable ...
A quick vegan and vegetarian okra curry that works just as well as a side dish. It's important to wash and dry the okra before chopping them, or they will become slimey. Firstly prepare the okra.