Here’s a lightning-fast Stuff guide to the Tetris games that really mattered. Tetris (Elektronika 60, 1984): The original. Flickery. Basic. Silent. But without it, an entire sub-genre of gaming would ...
The gameplay behaviors in the recreation of the Electronika 60 version of Tetris have been updated to be even more historically accurate to the original version. Now includes language support for ...
Alt sammen i et desperat forsøg på at stable de stadigt hurtigere faldene klodser. Hvad de færreste nok ved er at Tetris rødder går tilbage til den kolde krig, og at både Nintendos kommende ...
Apart from this, the latest game update also includes "major updates" for Tetris Time Warp. While single-player previously topped out at level 15 and it now extends from levels 16 through to 30. The ...
Unrivaled after four decades, Tetris Forever celebrates the original, genre-inspiring puzzle game that escaped from behind the Iron Curtain, onto the world stage, and into our cultural consciousness!
The action puzzle game Tetris the Grand Master first appeared in game arcades in August 1998, and became a beloved game for gamers as a Tetris game packed with addictive elements. Then ...
vi har hørt løbende om udviklingen af en film baseret på Tetris-spillets spæde start i noget der ligner et årti, men nu er den endelig tæt på at lande. Det bliver på AppleTV+ d. 31 marts, og her ...