Many of the top change management models focus on emotional well-being as you navigate the nature of change. Change can be a difficult process, especially for larger, entrenched organizations.
The fundamental tenets of strategic philanthropy are that funders and their grantees should have clear goals, strategies based on sound theories of change, and robust methods for assessing progress ...
An article appearing in BioScience challenges conventional conservation wisdom, suggesting that protected areas such as ...
Battilana, Julie, Bernard Leca, and Eva Boxenbaum. "How Actors Change Institutions: Towards a Theory of Institutional Entrepreneurship." Academy of Management Annals 3 (2009): 65–107.
Projecting future climate change applies models tested against current conditions to new conditions and different concentrations of greenhouse gases and aerosols. One way to feel more secure about ...
Edmondson, A., and B. Moingeon. "Learning, Trust and Organizational Change: Contrasting Models of Intervention Research in Organizational Behavior." In Organizational Learning and the Learning ...
University of Idaho researchers have developed a mathematical model that simplifies the way ... could help refine climate change predictions and improve our understanding of glacial dynamics.