Dating to around 500 A.D., the burials are associated with the Moche culture, which thrived along the northern coast of Peru between 300 ... Placed at the feet of one man were the remains of ...
This pot was made in Peru by the Moche. It shows a kneeling Moche warrior holding a club in one hand and a shield in the other. Warfare, warriors and prisoners are a recurring theme in Moche art.
La joya devuelta por autoridades de EEUU es un pendiente de oro que representa una cabeza de mono con incrustaciones de turquesa en los ojos, una valiosa pieza de orfebrería de la cultura Moche ...
His decorated clothes suggest he is a young man of high status ... So the past of Peru will be its future. And eventually the Moche will, I think, become a household name, just as much as the ...
5 de Enero del 2017 11:02 AM · Actualizado el 5 de Enero del 2017 11:54 AM Obreros municipales recogen basura y desmonte en el tramo que va del óvalo Industrial y sector Curva de Sun. Basura y ...