Begun, D. R. Miocene fossil hominids and the chimp-human clade. Science 257, 1929-1933 (1992). Begun, D. R. & Kordos, L. Phyletic affinities and functional convergence in Dryopithecus and other ...
Changes from an ape-like anatomy are discernible in hominoid fossils from the late Miocene in Africa. Some hominoid species from this period exhibit traits that are typical of humans but are not ...
Buronius manfredschmidi nov. gen. et sp. photographs. Upper panel: holotype left upper M2 (GPIT/MA/13005), A–occlusal, B–buccal, C–lingual, D–mesial, E–distal. Lower panel: paratype left ...
Maybe looking to the past can give us clues. For prehistory fans, the Miocene, with its fantastic mammal life, is an immensely attractive period. From Dryopithecus, a lineage of extinct primates ...
It’s possible, though, that Danuvius independently evolved a form of upright walking on tree branches that had nothing to do with the appearance of a two-legged gait in hominids, says DeSilva ...