An unpaid driving without a license ticket can lead to a person's driving record showing the driver's nonexistent license as ...
Memorial event brings police community together to support scholarships while remembering Officers Peter Jerving and James ...
MILWAUKEE - One person is in custody after an hours-long standoff from Milwaukee’s north side on Thursday night, Jan. 30. The ...
A wanted child sexual assault suspect was shot and wounded during a struggle inside a home with a Milwaukee police officer ...
A Milwaukee police chase led to a crash that injured three people. The crash happened just before 6 a.m. at 20th and Center ...
While Dunn didn't mention court candidate Brad Schimel by name he criticized comments Schimel made previously about Jan. 6.
The Common Council's Licenses Committee recommended to not renew La Cueva's licenses after multiple police reports of illegal ...
The families of MPD officers Peter Jerving and Jimmy Nowak raised money for scholarships to benefit new MPD recruits. It's a ...
A Milwaukee teen is charged as an adult in a November shooting that killed one person and wounded two others. The same teen ...
As advocates against police presence in Milwaukee schools continue to speak out, the district is over a year late on a state ...
It also requires officers to arrest those who face criminal citations for driving without a license, which occurs on a second offense, while the first offense is a municipal citation, a spokesperson ...