Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of revelation who fought tirelessly and endlessly for the rights of African Americans ...
Discover 10 powerful quotes by Martin Luther King Jr. that continue to inspire change, equality, and hope around the world.
With Martin Luther King day coming up, it’s a good time to take time to remember a man who’s words touched lives and changed ...
Christianity can commit to faithfully advocating for the freedom of every human body, mind and soul. Then, freedom of ...
Cleveland religious leaders met on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to discuss how America can move forward from its racial ...
Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Martin Luther King Jr. didn’t originally set out to become a civil rights activist, according to his biographer. On a Jan. 3 episode of NPR’s Book of the ...
Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day! I thought it would be a good time ...
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with ...
They defined the late civil rights leader Martin Luther King ... philosophy of Dr. King extend beyond just dates on a calendar. Here are the 10 best MLK quotes that aren't "I Have a Dream." ...
As the nation celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day, thousands are volunteering with various organizations to honor the civil ...
BANGOR -- Folks gathered on Sunday, January 19, at First United Methodist Church in Bangor to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Sunday afternoon marked Faith Linking in Action's third annual ...