WOKING, UK - Linde (NYSE:LIN) plc (NASDAQ:LIN) reported fourth-quarter ... of our model and the exceptional execution by our employees." Lamba added, "As anticipated, global macro conditions ...
Saudi oil giant Aramco has launched a pilot direct air capture unit able to remove 12 tons of carbon dioxide per year from the atmosphere, it said on Thursday. Linde sees slower 1st quarter ...
The full-year results for Linde plc (NASDAQ:LIN) were released last week, making it a good time to revisit its performance. It was a credible result overall, with revenues of US$33b and statutory ...
In other Linde news, VP Guillermo Bichara sold 4,385 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, December 4th. The stock was sold at an average price of $460.73 ...