Mercedes-Benz has made headlines with its surprising announcement that it will install autonomous driving lidar sensors from ...
After Mark Rober's video on Tesla vs. a LIDAR car, somebody tries to replicate the test on FSD instead of Autopilot, as Rober ...
YouTuber Mark Rober drove a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot at a fake road wall and extreme rain and fog to test it against a ...
“It turns out my Tesla is less Road Runner, more Wile E. Coyote,” Rober says as he inspects the damage on the front hood. The ...
YouTuber compares a LiDar-equipped Lexus with a Tesla’s camera-based assistance tech to see which demolishes fewer dummies ...
While LiDAR demonstrates superior safety in tests, the cost efficiency of camera-based autopilot systems remains a ...
The test was not without controversy, however. Some Tesla supporters questioned whether Autopilot had even been engaged ...
We've been recording event data from a fleet of cars for many, many years," said Alwin Bakkenes, head of global software ...
At the risk of spoiling the video for you, the Tesla leaves a cartoonishly large hole in the wall after Autopilot plows right ...
Luminar Technologies Inc. shares surged on Monday after former NASA scientist Mark Rober test-drove a car equipped with the ...
In his recent YouTube video, Mark Rober’s Tesla Model Y crashed through a Wile E. Coyote-style wall after its Autopilot ...