Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve entrapment or meralgia paresthetica is a tingling numbness and burning pain of the lateral thigh that is caused by entrapment of the sensory nerve of the lateral ...
This study met the guidelines set by the ethics committee of the Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital (Shanghai, China). All subjects were selected randomly and gave informed written consent for their ...
“Lateral lunges can be included in a warm-up ... And yet, that is the key to hip health and knee health.” Because we’re not ...
The fracture line enters the joint lateral to the ridge between the trochlea and capitellum. The fracture extends into the trochlear groove. Figure 6a. A displaced lateral condyle fracture of the ...
The 32 bone contusions (16 kissing contusions) were located as follows: lateral femoral condyle (n = 14; 8 type I, 6 type II); lateral tibial condyle (n = 9; 3 type I, 1 type II, 5 type III); medial ...