The snowiest mountain in California — and the second snowiest place in the continental United States — is Lassen Peak in Shasta County, with an average of about 45 feet of snowfall yearly.
Most of the park is blanketed by snow from November to April (or longer), and the trail to Lassen Peak is a snowshoe-only adventure well into the spring and sometimes, into summer. During the ...
On June 14, 1914, three men climbed Lassen Peak to see why a seemingly dormant volcano had started rumbling 16 days before. Now, peering into a newborn crater, they felt the ground tremble.
Tucked away in far northeastern California, Lassen offers sweeping grandeur and hydrothermal ... naturally dark skies. The park's namesake peak is the one of the largest plug dome volcanoes in the ...
TRAVEL TRAILERS/5TH WHEELS - Due to limited resale activity, we are unable to determine used values. See Tiny Idahomes for values prior to model year 2017. Only select options below that are in ...
What not to miss: The challenging 5-mile round-trip Lassen Peak Trail offers spectacular views. On a clear day, hikers can see Mt. Shasta, another active volcano more than 100 miles away.