The 'Today' host joked that she'd rather deal with the consequences of laryngopharyngeal reflux disease than change ... not a good idea. And chewing gum can sometimes help," Dr. Narula added.
People with GERD can opt for sugar-free gums with xylitol to prevent acid reflux. Chewing gum may increase alertness by ...
Chewing gum is one of the foods we chose because it is the only food where plastic polymer is used as an ingredient,” Mohanty ...
A new study showed that chewing gum releases microplastics, which can then be swallowed and absorbed by the body.
Gum is made of plastic, and chewing both synthetic and natural gums could release microplastics into your mouth, according to ...
Not to burst your bubble, but your gum might be packed with plastic. A new study found that chewing a single piece releases ...
Chewing gum releases hundreds of tiny plastic pieces straight into people's mouths, researchers said on Tuesday, also warning ...