Cocoa Beach holds a special place in surf, the home of world surfing champion Kelly Slater, it is known as one of the birthplaces of professional surfing on the East Coast. The center of the Cocoa ...
Cocoa Beach’s most indelible mark on surfing might be as the birthplace of Kelly Slater, but the city has one more claim to fame: Surfing Santas. Every year, on Christmas Eve, hundreds of ...
Kelly Slater grew up surrounded by the beach, and by five, he began surfing. Coming from a family that owned bait stores, he was raised in Cocoa Beach, Florida. Then, he went on to earn his first ...
Striking a major blow to the Space Coast's surfing community, the 2025 Beach 'n Boards Fest, a fixture on Cocoa Beach for the past 11 years, will be canceled this year due to delays with a sand ...