BHPian red_hot_punto recently shared this with other enthusiasts:Here is my short 1.5 years ownership experience of my 2023 ...
BHPian fhdowntheline recently shared this with other enthusiasts:I took a short test ride of the Destini 125 recently. We are ...
Vs TVS Jupiter 125. I took long rides on both but in my personal experience Honda Activa 125 is far-better. The only thing to be included in Activa 125 are boot light and live navigation should be ...
Q. Who are the rivals of TVS Jupiter 125? In the competitive landscape, the Jupiter 125 goes head-to-head with formidable rivals like the Honda Activa 125 and Suzuki Access 125. The rivals of TVS ...
It is expected to deliver 8 horsepower and a peak torque output of 9.8Nm. Jupiter 125 CNG is also capable of churning a top speed of 80kmph.