Invasive plants are overrunning the Santa Monica Mountains, making fires more destructive and more frequent. Thus, ...
Invasive species such as the New Guinea flatworm and the cane toad are increasing in Florida, experts say. FOX 35 Associate ...
The Mississippi Valley Conservancy helped residents of the area develop a plan to tackle invasive species with a presentation ...
The father-daughter team of Fred and Sharon St. Ours of Norwell are behind a tasty new green crab broth powder that targets a ...
Invasive species wreak havoc on local ecosystems, destroying entire swaths of land and threatening biodiversity. As a result, ...
"Hard work, but the greatest memories of my life!" Local team fights invasive pests while empowering the next generation with ...
A new invasive tick species was recently found in St. Louis County, with more sightings expected this spring and summer.
Concerns regarding the Chautauqua Lake and New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) administration of ...
Invasive grasses can quickly take over rangeland and diminish forage quality. Keeping rangeland healthy by not overgrazing ...
In North America, trained dogs inspect watercraft to detect invasive mussels before they catch a ride to new waters. Dogs ...
State environmental officials say lone star ticks and long horned ticks were found in Fairfield, New London, Middlesex and New Haven counties in 2024.