Scientists from the University of Colorado Boulder were apart of the team that developed a device to analyze gas, which could be used as a medical tool.
A team of physicists at the University of Colorado Boulder named the new technology Modulated Ringdown Comb Interferometry, ...
STarlight Acquisition and Reflection toward Interferometry—and will showcase the viability of a new technique for studying exoplanets, or planets outside of our solar system.
For the first time, the University of Michigan Department of Astronomy is leading the launch of a satellite into space.
Carl Barus, -of Brown University, recently published by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, a number of interesting applications of achromatic interferometry are described. In the first ...
Improvements in interferometry have made it a powerful and attractive technique for characterizing tiny devices based on microelectromechanical systems. The study of micro- and nanoscale surface ...
Sensing with levitated nanoparticles has so far been limited by the precision of position measurements. Now, researchers at ...