A few kilometres from the Big Cat Live camp was a hyena den whose occupants we were able to follow on the webcams and with thermal imaging cameras. Such dens are hard to spot unless the hyenas are ...
Long before wolves or big cats, large hyaenodonts prowled the landscape. Despite their name, the carnivores were not hyenas. Hyaenodonts were an ancient group of four-legged flesh-eaters that ...
The Carnivora order is divided into two main suborders: the Feliformia, which includes cats, hyenas, mongooses, and other ...
Hyaenodonts like Bastetodon evolved long before modern cats, dogs, hyenas, and other carnivorous mammals. They boasted sharp hyena-like teeth and stalked African ecosystems hunting for primates ...
At the end of the series these encounters, and additional threats from Honey's three male cubs (featured previously in Big Cat Week), had ... through many lions and hyena territories and met ...
Hyaenodonts evolved long before modern-day carnivores such as cats, dogs, and hyenas. These predators with hyena-like teeth hunted in African ecosystems after the extinction of the dinosaurs.
They named it Bastetodon syrtos, after the cat-headed Egyptian goddess Bastet. B. syrtos, which boasted razor-sharp teeth and a powerful jaw, belonged to an extinct group of meat-eating mammals ...