PALESTINE (and Its Environs) during the Lifetimes of Jesus & Paul; mostly ruled by the Herodian Dynasty: GALILEE - part of the Kingdom of Herod the Great, 40-4 BCE; part of the Tetrarchy of Herod ...
Few figures in history have had such a controversial reputation as King Herod I of Judaea. In the Christian tradition, Herod is the villain in the Christmas story. The Gospel of Matthew recounts ...
And it was under his kingship that post-Biblical Israel really rose to its political and material heights in the early days of the Roman Empire. Herod was a successful client king, which meant ...
It was the first time that archaeologists successfully restored a part of the Temple complex built by King Herod more than 2,000 years ago. (JTA) — Archaeologists working in Jerusalem have ...
Known both as the Finger of Og and as Herod’s Pillar ... ruler of the Achaemenid Empire, issued the Edict of Cyrus in 539 BCE, granting the Jews permission to rebuild their temple and return ...
Although the grandson of the biblical villain Herod the Great, and the longest reigning and of the Herodian dynasty, Herod Agrippa II (fl. c. A.D. 28-c. 95) lacked a biography in any language until ...