Folding the best paper airplane for distance is a skill anyone can master. Taking it to the highest levels requires additional dedication—along with a solid paper airplane design tutorial from a ...
A German man has just finished a very impressive Paper Airplane Machine Gun, or a Papierflieger-Maschinenpistole, which just sounds so much cooler. It actually takes a stack of paper, folds it ...
March 4 (UPI) --A serial Guinness World Record breaker bested one of his own titles by folding and throwing a paper plane in just 5.12 seconds. David Rush, who holds the most concurrent Guinness ...
Fold your square of card in half to make a ... Makes – Choose from four of the best paper planes for stunts and speed, or you could make them all and see which is your favourite.
Follow the video carefully, and have a go at making this detailed and exciting paper plane. Have a go, make sure to show us your best planes! Which did you find easiest to fold and make?