Four larger islands – Santa Cruz, Isabela, San Cristóbal and Floreana – boast towns with shops, restaurants and hotels, making them great jumping-off points for day trips to sights like ...
On the island of Floreana in the Galápagos Islands, 13 species have already become extinct locally. A Floreana mockingbird. Important actions are being taken by environmental charities to look ...
The Galápagos rail (Laterallus spilonota), a small, elusive bird once believed extinct on Floreana Island, has been spotted again for the first time since Charles Darwin’s visit in 1835.
A large-scale restoration project was launched for Floreana Island 2 years ago. The project aimed to remove invasive species – especially rats and feral cats – that had severely impacted the ...
The Galápagos Rail, considered a near-endangered species, has returned to its native Floreana Island after conservationists removed wild cat and rat populations that had driven the population out ...