About 90% of flowering plants rely on animals to transfer their pollen and optimize reproduction, making pollination one of ...
You can get rid of fruit flies fast effectively—and naturally—with things you probably already have in your kitchen.
An innovative and low-cost project aims to bio-convert food scraps into fertilizer, animal feed and extractable oil using the ...
Clean drains and the garbage disposal to get rid of food buildup that can be breeding grounds where gnats thrive. Check for ...
“A two-pronged approach of combining insecticide products targeted at different life stages, such as an ear tag for adult ...
Male crickets in Hawaii softened their chirps once parasitic flies started hunting them. Now, it seems, the flies are homing in on the new tunes.
In southeastern Pennsylvania, where 60 percent of U.S. mushrooms are grown, phorid flies are posing a threat to the industry, destroying up to 40 percent of the crop and invading homes. To combat the ...
The rate of development of poikilothermic animals, such as insects, fish, and reptiles, is determined by environmental temperature. A research team has recently demonstrated how temperature can affect ...
In the mountains of the Anti-Atlas in Morocco, a fly larva has developed a camouflage strategy that is as surprising as it is effective. Thanks to a "mask" resembling a termite head on its posterior ...