Unsurprisingly, far-right voices, never missing a trick to try and claim the England flag as their own, were all over social ...
These are the earliest designs for James's new British flag. Each design seems to capture what James optimistically, if rather naively, called `this happy marriage'. They are strikingly ...
His remarks came after the British Olympic Association vowed to stick ... “You can just about make out that it’s the Union flag. “But they’ve decided to add pink and all sorts of colours ...
With renewed discussions about Scottish independence in the wake of the Brexit vote, what might this mean for the idea of patriotism in Britain - and for the flag which was created in 1606 as ...
“The Argentine flag was prepared for hoisting on top of Stanley House but the rope snapped in the breeze, which was cheered by the British troops.” Mr. Muir and the other troops were captured ...