The rig was built on a 211-inch wheelbase and is powered by a Cummins X12 engine and an Allison EVS 4000 transmission. The fire pump is rated at 1,750 gpm; a 1,250-gallon water tank was designed ...
The Big Rapids city commission accepted a bid from Spencer Manufacturing for a new fire engine pump truck at a cost of $769,716 during its meeting on March 3. City Manager Mark Gifford said that after ...
The Fire Department held a push-in ceremony Thursday to officially place its new engine into service. Chief Paul Findley recognized the mayor, council members and other city staff and thanked them for ...
Bryan council Monday night gave approval for the purchase of a custom pumper fire engine in the amount of $1,040,700.
The department’s new 2024 Pierce Enforcer Pumper was delivered to the fire ... and city officials were there for a traditional fire engine “push-in” ceremony to celebrate the newest addition ...