Get the full lyrics to "679" by Fetty Wap and see how this song blends catchy beats with a memorable chorus. See what made this track a hit.
Fetty Wap has shared a new photo of himself in prison after receiving a six year federal prison sentence for pleading guilty ...
Fetty Wap (né Willie Maxwell II) is an American rapper. He rose to fame in 2014 with the release of his debut single, "Trap Queen." The song went platinum and peaked at No. 2 on the Billboard Hot ...
Turquoise Miami, the mother of Fetty Wap's late daughter Lauren, announced Saturday that their 4-year-old daughter had died Georgia Slater is a staff editor on the Parents team at PEOPLE.
Fetty Wap is an American singer, rapper and songwriter best known for his 2015 hit Trap Queen. He has achieved further Billboard success with his Top 10 singles My Way and 679.