Click on the right arrow to see an alternate view of a developing zebrafish eye. Biology in the background Zebrafish eyes are similar to ours. We share all the major structures, such as a single lens ...
This is an image of a fluorescently labeled eye and surrounding tissue from a zebrafish. The blood vessels are purple (1), the lymphatic vessels are green (2), and the nuclei of all the cells are blue ...
Adult insects are known for their fascinating and complex eyes, which allow them to accomplish remarkable sensory feats when performing functions such as searching for food or mates. In many insect ...
The lens in the front of your eye focuses light on the retina in the back of your eye. The lens is like the one in a camera, and the retina is like film. The space between the lens and retina is ...
“To see under starlight, biology has had to reach the limit of seeing an elementary particle from the universe, a single photon,” commented Greg Field, assistant professor of neurobiology and ...
In Drosophila mauritiana, otd is expressed earlier in eye development than in Drosophila ... The work is published in the journal BMC Biology. The researchers say their findings could have ...
Prostaglandins (PGs) are ubiquitous compounds found throughout the body, including the eye. They are involved in a variety of ocular functions, two of which are intraocular pressure (IOP ...
Scientists have discovered the oldest fossil evidence of insect larvae with highly developed eyes, revealing that some ...
Two common defects of the eyes are myopia (short-sightedness) and hyperopia (long-sightedness). In both cases, rays of light do not focus on the retina so a clear image is not formed. These two ...
PG analogs lower the IOP by improving the outflow of fluid from the eye (pressure dependent and/or pressure independent drainage). Topical PG analog use is associated with iris color changes ...