E. coli bacteria could be used to create biodegradable plastics, reports a paper published in Nature Chemical Biology. The ...
One Los Angeles County resident has died and at least one other became ill in an 18-state E. coli outbreak involving organic carrots, health officials said Monday. The LA County Department of ...
The initiation of bacterial transcription in E. coli serves as a model for transcription ... that structural features of activator-driven domain rearrangements that occur in transcription ...
(NEXSTAR) — Organic carrots have been linked to a deadly E. coli outbreak impacting 18 states, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Sunday. Multiple sizes and brands of ...
Researchers in Fiji's informal settlements are using their own footsteps to detect the hidden pathogens in soil that ...
the endonuclease long thought to initiate mRNA decay in Escherichia coli, only works well on RNA with a 5′-monophosphate. Conversion of the 5′-triphosphate to a monophosphate now appears to be ...