The study, published Tuesday in the journal Applied Environmental and Microbiology, analyzed biofilms on microplastics and ...
Scientists were shocked to discover that microplastics don’t just pollute the environment, they may also be fueling the rise ...
Microplastics—tiny shards of plastic debris—are all over the planet. They have made their way up food chains, accumulated in ...
Boston University researchers have found that microplastic contamination is fueling antibiotic resistance in bacteria, ...
"This challenges the notion that microplastics are merely passive carriers of resistant bacteria and highlights their role as ...
Researchers at Boston University have found that microplastics (MPs) provide an ideal platform for bacteria to form ...
(CNN) — By being an excellent host for slimy biofilms created by bacteria to protect themselves from attack, microplastics may be contributing to the proliferation of dangerous antibiotic ...