The Purple Datura is a species of plant that is extensively used for Ayurvedic and religious purposes in India and now is also being used in the beauty segment as well. (Image Credits: Pinterest ...
Though most deadly plants are found in exotic locations, some like the native cherry laurel can be fatal if handled improperly. Datura stramonium, known commonly as Jimsonweed, devil’s trumpet ...
Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the Latin American countries. Stories about Datura are heard since childhood. One can be hypnotised if you ...
Just keep in mind that some require advanced gardening skills, while others practically grow themselves! Jimsonweed, also ...
Scopolamine is also present in Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium), a plant found in most of the Latin ... common in Colombia. The seeds, when powdered and extracted, contain a chemical similar ...