An error saw the DWP overpay more than £500 million of State Pension and Pension Credit payments into accounts.
Carers UK is calling for the Labour Party government and DWP to halt legal action against carers until it finds out what went wrong.
Carers UK is calling for the government to halt legal action against carers until it finds out what went wrong.
State pensioners born before 1959 can add up to £5,644 extra per year to their pension pot with a little-known benefit.
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) benefits are set to increase in April, with the ...
The update will give those claiming working-age disability benefits, including PIP, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), ...
Two bereaved parents have filed a case at the European court of human rights, claiming that the UK government’s treatment of ...
Over the last few years, more and more pensioners have been pushed into poverty, with many of them just about living on the ...
Following the Labour Budget in October, a new cap has been introduced on the amount the DWP can deduct from benefit payments to repay loans and debts, including budgeting advance loans. From April ...
As it stands, Winter Fuel Allowances are worth £300 or £200 for state pensioners who are eligible and who meet the criteria.
Consequently, claimants of working-age disability benefits such as Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Employment and ...
The DWP Minister continued: “Winter Fuel Payments will continue to be paid to pensioner households with someone receiving Pension Credit or certain other income-related benefits. They will continue to ...