The crane stretches out its neck while flying, but the heron curves its neck. When you’re out bird-watching near a large body of water, you might catch one of these birds eating. If so ...
“The large, brown eyes of a sandhill crane stare directly into the camera; the crane’s head, its long, grey, narrow neck, and the top ... to be a beautiful bird.” A third commented ...
The sounds of grey herons at nest during day and at night are like a fairy-tale monster or someone getting sick!
Conservation: The arrival of black-necked crane (grus nigricollis) in the country may be declining in some of its winter homes, but the overall trend shows an increase in arrival of the endangered ...
BNC: Declining numbers of Black-necked crane (BNC) arriving in Chumey and Tang in Bumthang, and Menbi and Dungkar in Lhuentse is concerning the communities that are used to seeing the birds in their ...
Sandhill cranes prefer to stay in freshwater habitats and are omnivorous in nature. They’re the most common of all the world's cranes.
Some birds stand out from the crowd ... brown eyes of a sandhill crane stare directly into the camera; the crane’s head, its long, grey, narrow neck, and the top of its body are visible.