In a high school classroom in Hong Kong, a student asks a survivor of the Nanking massacre if she has ever thought about taking her own life. Dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, her white ...
and gender in the American Chinese language classroom. Following is a summary of the author's takeaways. Every language has potential for funny or uncomforable moments when taken out of context.
In the most recent case, a lecturer upset Chinese international students by listing Taiwan and Hong Kong as countries in course and test materials. One classroom confrontation was recorded and ...
For example, virtual humans, having that in the classroom could probably ... is organised by the South China Morning Post and sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club. At GSIS, Chan said ...
Hong Kong, a separately administered Chinese ... as a little girl watching on a small television in a classroom in ...
HBS established the first of the School's international research centers in Hong Kong in 1999, the Asia-Pacific Research Center (APRC). In 2010, the Harvard Center Shanghai (HSC) opened, home to ...
The students interviewed - 11 from mainland China and 13 from Hong Kong - said there had been ... all forms of coercion on campus or in the classroom. "No student or staff member should feel ...