The Charles Darwin bicentennial celebrates the man who recognized natural selection and changed the world's views on evolution. However, his contributions to geology should not be overlooked.
Charles Robert Darwin, naturalist, is buried in the north aisle of the nave of Westminster Abbey, not far from Sir Isaac Newton. He was born in Shrewsbury on 12th February 1809, son of Robert Waring ...
This story appears in the February 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine. The journey of young Charles Darwin aboard His Majesty's Ship Beagle, during the years 1831-36, is one of the best ...
Like so many great scientists, Charles Darwin was first drawn to science as a young boy by his intense interest in the diverse animals and plants that filled his surroundings. Later, despite his ...
For decades, the Charles Darwin Research Station has been at the forefront of leading initiatives in conservation, restoration and sustainable development to ensure the Galápagos Islands remain ...
Charles Darwin close Charles DarwinAn English naturalist (1809-1882). In 1859 Darwin published On the Origin of Species, which outlined his theory of evolution. was an English naturalist who ...
Every year on 12 February Darwin Day is celebrated to mark the birth anniversary of Charles Darwin. He revolutionaised the field of natural history from his theory of natural selection.