The rock tour has officially been canceled. After two months of observations, NASA scientists have officially declared Earth safe from “city-killer” asteroid 2024 YR4. On Tuesday, the space ...
But both percentages rise above the 2.7% chance of collision once associated with an asteroid discovered in 2004 called Apophis, making 2024 YR4 the most significant space rock to be spotted ...
The space rock between 130 and 300 feet long has caused quite a stir since astronomers first spotted it late last year on a trajectory bringing it uncomfortably close to Earth in 2032. YR4's ...
NASA estimates that the space rock has a 0.0017% chance of hitting Earth in December 2032, while the ESA has a similar risk assessment of 0.002%. That’s a 1 in 59,000 possibility of impact ...
Debate rages in Reddit threads: are Coheed and Cambria prog rock? The US band’s many concept albums all unite to create a storytelling cosmos of bravura dimensions. Very proggy. But then there is ...
The space rock is formally named 2024 YR4. Scientists say the risk of it making contact with Earth is remote — with NASA giving it as high as a 3.1% chance before reducing its estimate to 0.28% ...
They photographed the rock star ahead of its world tour. A Chilean space telescope has captured striking images of YR4 2024, the “city-killer” asteroid that’s potentially on a collision ...
The odds that the space rock, 2024 YR4, will smash into our planet in 2032 have dropped to nearly zero, leading astronomers to conclude that we are no longer in danger. By Katrina Miller ...
While YR4 still has a nearly 97% chance to completely miss Earth in 2032, its odds of impact, which now stand at 3.1%, represent the highest risk level of any large space rock ever. Those odds may ...