Researchers in Portugal recently stumbled across a fossil containing the mummified remains of hundreds of bees, perfectly ...
By As natural pollinators, Cambodia’s native honey bees are key to the survival of the country’s forests and farms. But these species are at a conservation crossroads, warns a recent ...
As the days get warmer, there will be more and more activity at the entrances of honey bee hives. Honey bee colonies should ...
Bees do not create honey ... While workers select which fertilized eggs to brood in queen or worker cells, the queen decides the sex of her young. In a mechanism of sex determination known ...
Varroa mites prefer to breed on baby male bees over baby females, so the drone comb — and any mites within it — can then be removed in one hit. Another mechanical treatment is called a "brood ...
As one of the nation’s top beekeeping states, Texas bees are responsible for producing over 7 million pounds of honey annually, and pollinating a variety of crops all across the U.S. But, over the ...