The first ever wild beavers have been released in a Dorset nature reserve, more than 400 years after their extinction in ...
This past week, beavers were legally released into the English countryside for the first time since they were hunted into extinction there in the 17th century. Conservationists hailed it as a ...
Beavers saved the government of the Czech Republic over $1 million on an ill-fated infrastructure project by doing what they do best — building a dam. Officials in the Brdy region of the ...
A beaver, spotted along Bubbly Creek on the southwest branch of the Chicago River, has become an internet sensation after a Reddit post sparked a citywide effort to name it. “She’s the largest ...
Beavers will live wild again in England for the first time in 400 years Beavers can now be released under a new government licence scheme, meaning wild beavers living in our rivers and streams for ...
Beavers vanished from Britain because of hunting for their pelts, meat and glands The first ever wild beavers have been released in a Dorset nature reserve, more than 400 years after their ...