APR 22 - Centre-right candidate and outgoing governor Vito Bardi is on 53-57% and his centre-left opponent Piero Marrese is on 41-45% in an instant poll for Telenorba in the Basilicata governor's ...
(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 8 - Basilicata's centre-right Governor Vito Bardi was indicted in a healthcare probe Friday. The ...
Matera is in the southern region of Basilicata. Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0 イタリア南部・バジリカータ地方のマテーラは、深く切れ込んだグラヴィナ渓谷西岸の凝灰岩の岩壁に築かれた街。