This extraordinary elixir is for me the very apogee of anchovydom; for the anchovy lover ... but this is equally a sauce – for steak, roast beef, lamb, whatever you feel like pouring it on ...
What makes this Caesar salad a tasty side that goes with juicy roast beef is its homemade dressing. The blend of anchovies, Dijon mustard, and olive oil in the dressing adds a tangy complexity to ...
Simon Hopkinson's recipe for roast peppers is perfect as an antipasto ... snuggled inside the pepper and then topped with salty anchovies and fresh basil to finish. This meal provides 231 kcal ...
Villa Maria Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon/Merlot Gimblett Gravels 2014 is a densely coloured wine that makes a suitably robust partner for a quality cut of aged beef, served rare with a set of ...