The depiction of a Dionysiac mystery cult now serves as an “exceptional historical document,” allowing us a glimpse into one ...
At The Clark Art Institute, Mariel Capanna’s “Giornata” explores memory, time and texture through a three-sided fresco and ...
The fresco also depicts young satyrs, part-goat and part-human creatures, playing the flute and performing a sacrifice of wine. At the center of the fresco is an old satyr with a young woman who ...
Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered a nearly life-size fresco, or megalography, depicting the Dionysiac procession in an ...
A large-scale fresco in an ancient banquet hall "sheds light on the mysteries of Dionysus in the classical world." ...
Today, I'm going to walk you through how Marco restores this beautiful 583-year-old fresco. The first work that we have to do is to consolidate the walls. The first thing is really to take the ...
Bertolt Brecht's Mère Courage takes over the Théâtre de la Ville from June 12 to 15, directed by Lisaboa Houbrechts. A poignant fresco of war and its ravages, as seen through the eyes of a ...
In a recently uncovered banquet hall in Regio IX of the ancient Roman city, a monumental fresco depicting a thiasos or procession of Dionysus has been found, featuring nearly life-sized figures. This ...
The fresco, dating to 40–30 BC, presents vivid imagery of Dionysian followers in states of ritualistic ecstasy, dancing and hunting, resembling the frescoes of the nearby Villa of the Mysteries ...
I’m not an artist by any stretch, so when I started poking around Adobe’s Fresco, the drawing and painting app for the iPad and iPhone, I approached the app with trepidation. I shouldn’t have. Fresco ...