About two-thirds of us have it in our bodies, but for most people, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori for short) ...
A new study provides strong evidence that bacterial vaginosis, a common vaginal condition, is spread during sex. But experts ...
Researchers at Boston University have found that microplastics (MPs) provide an ideal platform for bacteria to form ...
Bacterial vaginosis may not be a solo problem.Treating both partners could finally stop the frustrating cycle of recurring BV.
A new study in Australia found that treating male partners can reduce BV reinfections, suggesting that BV may be sexually ...
Not cleaning your makeup is an invitation for bacteria. It can leads to breakouts, irritation and ick on a whole other level.
But skipping that post-gym rinse isn't just a matter of preference — it can lead to some seriously unpleasant consequences.