Sanctions imposed by the outgoing U.S. administration against Antal Rogan, Prime Minister Viktor Orban's cabinet chief and ...
Nem egy bukott kormány bukott nagykövetének bosszúja dönti el a magyar kormány tagjainak napirendjét!
Speaking on state radio, Orbán said the U.S. sanctions against Antal Rogán, a senior government minister who leads the prime minister's Cabinet office and is believed by the U.S. Treasury Department ...
Washington has decided to place Hungarian government official Antal Rogán on its sanctions list due to his alleged involvement in corruption, the US Department of State announced on Tuesday.
The sanctioned official, Antal Rogán, serves as the minister in charge of Orbán's cabinet office. Known for orchestrating extensive government communication campaigns credited with cementing ...
The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned Antal Rogán for corruption while in office. A key figure in Orbán’s government, Rogán is accused of using his ...
Orban has repeatedly denied allegations of corruption. The sanctions target Antal Rogan, a close aide of Orban who has run his cabinet office since 2015. Rogan has been close to Orban for decades ...
The US Treasury Department has imposed sanctions on Antal Rogan, a senior Hungarian government official and one of Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's closest associates. Source ...
A Második Reformkor vezetÅ‘i attól tartanak, hogy a katonai szövetség történetének egyik legsúlyosabb belsÅ‘ válságává nÅ‘heti ...
Az oktatási rendszer megreformálásáért küzdÅ‘ szervezet követeli, hogy azonnal adják vissza a gyerekek iskolákban elvett ...
Sem zenében, sem sportban nem szereti a politikai töltetű tartalmakat Szijjártó Péter külgazdasági és külügyminiszter, aki az ...