Richardson Beach Eggplant

Richardson Beach is a Hawaii County park located just east of Hilo, Hawaii, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Adjacent is the Lele'iwi Beach Park. The name Richardson comes from its original owners, Elsa and George Richardson, whose home still stands there. George Richardson was the former Chief Detective of the County of Hawaii, and a descendant of …
Richardson Beach is a Hawaii County park located just east of Hilo, Hawaii, on the Big Island of Hawaii. Adjacent is the Lele'iwi Beach Park. The name Richardson comes from its original owners, Elsa and George Richardson, whose home still stands there. George Richardson was the former Chief Detective of the County of Hawaii, and a descendant of Kekuiapoiwa, mother of Kamehameha I, and her second husband Kamanawa, received the land as a gift of gratitude from the Malo family. In 1920, when the entire Malo family was stricken with typhoid fever, Elena, the least severely afflicted of them all, walked to the home of George Richardson on Reeds Bay to seek help.
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